Comprehensive Guide to Rakuten Points Earned on Rakuma thumbnail

Comprehensive Guide to Rakuten Points Earned on Rakuma

A thorough guide to the Rakuten Points you can earn on Rakuten's flea market service, "Rakuma."

Posted at: 2024.12.5

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Rakuma lets you earn points both when you "buy" and "sell"

From a general user’s perspective, services like Rakuten Ichiba (Rakuten Market) and Rakuten Travel are platforms where you simply "buy" things. However, with Rakuma, which is a marketplace, you can also participate by "selling."

In recent years, Rakuma has introduced point promotions linked with Rakuten Ichiba, strengthening points for purchases and offering campaigns where you can earn additional points when selling, under certain conditions.

Points earned when you buy on Rakuma

Let’s first look at the points you can earn when you buy on Rakuma.

  1. Payment with Rakuten Card or Rakuten Pay: 1%
  2. Purchase of 1,000 yen or more during a shopping marathon: +1x bonus points from the Rakuten Shopping Marathon, which also applies to Rakuma purchases
  3. Days ending in 0 or 5: 5x points (irregular)

Rakuten Card or Rakuten Pay: 1%

The base reward is 1% when paying with either Rakuten Card or Rakuten Pay. You’ll always earn this reward if you choose one of these payment methods.

Up to 11% reward during the Shopping Marathon (only when the event is held)

One of the most important changes in the past year is the "Rakuten Shopping Marathon" tie-in. This is the largest point return.

During the Shopping Marathon, when you spend 1,000 yen or more on Rakuma (regardless of the number of purchases or sellers), you’ll get:

  1. An additional +1x bonus points from the Rakuten Shopping Marathon
  2. 1x points for the Rakuma purchase
  3. Points based on how many shops you visit during the Shopping Marathon

In other words, the points you earn on Rakuma purchases will be:

  1. 1% for Rakuten Card or Rakuten Pay
  2. 1% for Rakuten Shopping Marathon tie-in
  3. Up to 9% more (depending on the number of shops during the marathon, up to 10x)

This means that you can earn up to 11% in points.

Since Rakuma mostly offers secondhand items at lower prices compared to new ones, getting an additional 11% in points makes it a very good deal.

Points earned when you sell on Rakuma

No points for regular selling

When selling on Rakuma, there’s typically no points reward. The amount you sell is credited directly to your Rakuten Cash.

However, during specific campaigns, you can earn points for selling or listing items.

Points earned during promotional campaigns

Recently, there have been more "buy and sell to earn points" campaigns.

For example, during the end-of-year Super Sale in 2024, as part of the "Rakuten Mobile Super Thanks Festival," Rakuten Mobile subscribers could earn a +7x reward just for listing an item, and an additional +2x reward if the item sold, for a total of 10x points.


In this way, during the Shopping Marathon period, you not only earn points for buying but also receive additional points for selling items you purchased on Rakuma during that time.

Supported by Rakuten Developers